Córdoba Mezquita -- First Expansion

Córdoba, Spain

 Visited 17 and 18 October 2008

The first mosque, built about 1200 years ago, could hold about 5000 worshipers. About a century later, Córdoba's expanding population required the 4th Spanish Emir, ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān II, to expand the worship hall by moving the back wall and extending the 11 aisles by adding 8 more bays -- making what was a rectangular prayer hall into square.

ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān II ruled for 30 years, supporting the arts, fighting off invaders including the Spanish Catholics and the Vikings -- and creating a massive public works program which solidified his legacy. He refused to allow additional Friday services to accommodate the growing congregation and therefore expansion of Cordoba's mosque was required.

Córdoba, , Spain

The Moors adapted a number of architectural components into an innovative building which addressed several structural challenges: They were to reuse existing marble pillars (many from the Visigoth cathedral which stood here before.) But these were too short to lift the flat ceiling very high. This was resolved by stacking masonry pillars atop of the marble columns. To keep these stacked columns from collapsing, an aqueduct-like set of arches then created a double-tiered arcade rising from the Roman or Visigoth columns to pilasters. 

While the hypostyle hall can be expanded in length or breadth to accommodate growing populations, the sheer number of pillars (eventually over 500 here) can create monotony. This was resolved with the alternating use of stone and red brick voussoirs – those trapezoidal arch stones). 

The overall impact effectively creates the spiritual awe one would wish in this greatest mosque in what may have been the largest city in the world with perhaps as many as 3000 mosques in its heyday.

This was a good start, but a growing population and the growing ambition of the Umayyad  dynasty led to the only expansion by a Caliph -- but it was a good one.  Join us in seeing al-Hakam II's elaborate enhancements by clicking here.

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